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Educating about sustainable food for a more sustainable world

¨Perhaps the best service we can render the population in this context is to refect cooking classes at school, and to encourage them to go to the market¨.

¨Perhaps the best service we can render the population in this context is to start cooking classes again at school, and to encourage them to go to the market¨

Jancovici says so. And before him, others have brought the same message. Olivier de Schutter, among others.

Far from a disconnected environmentalist idealism, these speeches put the finger on a subject that is inseparable from sustainable development: to act, we need to understand. To understand, you need to open up, develop a critical mind, filter information and have access to the right resources.

In an over-informed world, there are ways of combining the useful with the enjoyable, of not relying on our screens for all our learning, and of combining the practical with the theoretical.

Yes, we believe that anyone can learn to cook, even at a high level.

No, we don't think that learning by watching tutorials on the Internet or Tiktok is enough.

To do that, you need to meet people, exchange ideas, touch and (re)feel the product, understand it and go out into the field. Food is political! In so many ways.

Training is key, and we're delighted to be running regular modules this year, and a masterclass on 14 October on Upcycling and zero waste cooking as part of the Horeca Forma Be Pro curriculum.

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