Everything continues, nothing ends. Welcome to Entropy Restaurant where sustainable gastronomy takes on its full meaning

Located in the very center of Brussels. By the Chef Elliott Van de Velde. Conscious gastronomy, intuitive cuisine. Entropy, or how energy can come from apparent disorder, creating the order of tomorrow. Because our creativity has no limits and we aspire to a more circular and equal food system. All profits go to Hearth Project ASBL, fighting against food waste and precarity.


Practical information

  • American ExpressMastercardDebit cardVisaPayconiqMeal vouchersPayconiq by BancontactCashWire transfer
  • Bike Parking
    Wheelchair accessible
  • Outdoor seating
  • Tasting menu available
  • Streetwear attireFormal attireBusiness attireCasual attire
    No pets allowed

Everything continues, nothing ends. Welcome to Entropy Restaurant where sustainable gastronomy takes on its full meaning

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